Stoppt die Vorratsdatenspeicherung


ppplog is a tiny tool to do simple accounting of ppp-connections on Debian GNU/Linux systems. Of course there is kppp and other tools, but these are not usabel from the commandline and are not working well with the standard debian-setup for ppp.

ppplog works with pppd 2.4 (lower versions have not been tested, but It should work with 2.3 too).

* License:
ppplog is licensed under the term of the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE.

* Features:
The output of ppplog looks like this:
Date       Start       End          Provider    Connect   Send   Rcvd
2001-02-23 14:21:39 -- 14:21:53         viag       0:14   642    584 
           14:23:52 -- 14:24:01        tele2       0:09   473    414 
           14:26:45 -- 14:26:55     t-online       0:10   474    416 
           14:27:48 -- 14:28:12          MSN       0:24  1.94K  1.88K
           15:38:44 -- 16:20:27         viag      41:43   586K    12M
           17:01:07 -- 17:05:41         viag       4:34  42.7K   340K
           19:11:19 -- 19:34:34         viag      23:15   433K   1.6M
           22:38:45 -- 22:39:50         viag       1:05  20.1K  98.7K
           22:40:59 -- 22:43:51         viag       2:52   134K   240K
2001-02-24 11:16:30 -- 11:44:02         viag      27:32   368K  4.63M
           14:42:08 -- 15:24:34         viag      42:26   575K  7.92M
           16:27:29 -- 16:36:05         viag       8:36   176K  1.44M
           17:31:04 -- 17:51:19         viag      20:15   373K  2.68M
           18:11:39 -- 18:17:55         viag       6:16  76.2K   771K
2001-02-25 15:45:30 -- 15:53:53         viag       8:23  98.5K   636K
           16:10:29 -- 16:33:21         viag      22:52   401K  2.95M
Sum                                     viag    3:30:03  3.21M  35.2M
Sum                                    tele2       0:09   473    414 
Sum                                 t-online       0:10   474    416 
Sum                                      MSN       0:24  1.94K  1.88K
Sum                                    total    3:30:46  3.21M  35.2M

* a line for every connections with connected time, grouped by days
* optional transfer-volume (option --transfer) in human readable format (1K=1024)
* sum for every provider (does not work for pre 2.4 pppds)
* total sum of all connections

* Bugs:
* very unspecific error-message if "parsing" failes (I'm using scanf)
* ambiguous output for connections that have lastet longer than 24h
* probably a lot more I even don't know about

* Download:
* ppplog 1.0 · Debian-sources: ppplog_1.0.orig.tar.gz ppplog_1.0-1.dsc ppplog_1.0-1.diff.gz
* Older versions
M G Berberich · · 2001-03-13 \ 2002-10-11