Dr. Erich Fuchs

- Office:ITZ 213
- Innstraße 43
- D-94032 Passau
- Phone:+49 (0) 851/509-31 47
- Fax:+49 (0) 851/509-31 42
- E-Mail:
- Bericht zum Forschungsbedarf: Runder Tisch Automatisiertes Fahren — AG Forschung
- Road Departure Protection - A Means for Increasing Driving Safety Beyond Road Limits
- Road Boundary Detection for Run-off Road Prevention based on the Fusion of Video and Radar
- Der Fall Johann F.
- Temporal data mining using shape space representations of time series
- On-line Segmentation of Time Series Based on Polynomial Least-Squares Approximations
- Processing Short-Term and Long-Term Information With a Combination of Polynomial Approximation Techniques and Time-Delay Neural Networks
- Der Fall Johann F.
- On-line motif detection in time series with SwiftMotif
- Semi-autonomous reference data generation for perception performance evaluation
- Early and Multi Level Fusion for Reliable Automotive Safety Systems
- An Update Algorithm for Fourier Coefficients
- Vom Kirchenbuch zur Bevölkerungsdatenbank
- Schnelle Quadratmittelapproximation in gleitenden Zeitfenstern mit diskreten orthogonalen Polynomen
- Using Temporal Information in Input Features of Neural Networks