Dipl.-Inf. Aless Lasaruk ehemaliger Mitarbeiter
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
- Approximate Regularization for Structural Optical Flow Estimation
- Calibration and reconstruction algorithms for a handheld 3D laser scanner
- Calibration and Low-Level Data Fusion Algorithms for a Parallel 2D/3D-Camera
- Effective Quantifier Elimination for Presburger Arithmetic with Infinity
- MIDIAS: An Integrated 2D/3D Sensor System for Safety Applications
- Automatic Verification of the Adequacy of Models for Families of Geometric Objects
- Calibration of a System of a Gray-Value Camera and an MDSI Range Camera
- MDSI Range Camera Calibration
- Weak Quantifier Elimination for the Full Linear Theory of the Integers
- Weak Integer Quantifier Elimination Beyond the Linear Case