Dr. Andreas Schindler ehemaliger Mitarbeiter
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
- Vehicle Self-Localization Using High-Precision Digital Maps
- Evaluation of a Mapping Strategy Based on Smooth Arc Splines for Different Road Types
- Vehicle Self-localization with High-Precision Digital Maps
- A Road Edge Detection Approach for Marked and Unmarked Lanes Based on Video and Radar
- Optimal Arc-Spline Approximation with Detecting Straight Sections
- Mehr Sicherheit durch Positionsbestimmung mit Satelliten und Landmarken
- Integration von Strecken in die Kreisbogensplinepassung mit optimaler Segmentzahl (Best Paper Award)
- Minimum Description Length Arc Spline Approximation of Digital Curves
- Exploiting Arc Splines for Digital Maps
- Kreisbogensplines für die Prototyp-Passung Anwendungen im Automotive-Bereich
- Effiziente Prototyp-Passung mittels Kreisbogensplines und Anwendungsbeispiele aus dem Automotive-Bereich
- Generation of High Precision Digital Maps using Circular Arc Splines
- Visual Quality Control of Planar Working Pieces. A Curve based approach using Prototype Fitting
- Real-time Detection and Classification of Arrow Markings using Curve-based Prototype Fitting
- Object Detection in gray scale Images based on Invariant Polynomial Features
- Model-based detection and tracking of objects using a 3D-camera
- Video-based Recognition of Unmarked Lanes via Texture Interpretation and N-Level-Set-Fitting