
Generation of data for the production of windows, order handling

In building industries when putting up a building components are usually in­dus­tri­al­ly prefabricated and afterwards mounted on site. Those com­po­nents sel­dom fit into standard measures. In fact they usually have to be designed and assembled to measure. Thereby properties of the pro­duc­tion process re­gard­ing the used materials and the available assembly in­fra­struc­ture have to be taken into consideration.

Within the AUSKUNFT project a software package had been developed with which production orders over windows and doors can entirely be handled under the described conditions. It accounts for product design, manufacturing and costing. The manufacturing and calculation data are completely stored in an Informix database.

The project is closed and completely handed over to the project partner, who took over the tasks of maintenance and further development. A few minor assistance requests have been dealt with in 2003 so the system is still in field operation.

Project duration:
Feb 01, 1994 - Dec 31, 1998

Project staff

Project partners