Project for robust and optimised perception by sensor data fusion
The subproject ProFusion is a horizontal activity within the IP PReVENT focusing on indentifiying the needs for innovations regarding sensors and sensor data fusion. The horizontal objective of ProFusion in PReVENT has been to support the application of innovative sensor- and sensor data fusion concepts in application oriented subprojects.
The implementation of ProFusion follows a two-steps procedure: During the subproject duration of 6 months ProFusion has collected and described the state of the art of sensors and sensor data fusion as well as needs for further innovations within a follow-on activity in PReVENT. In a second phase ProFusion is going to develop a modular sensor data fusion architecture, robust and reliable multi sensor algorithms and extended models within selected subprojects of PReVENT and establish a forum on sensors and sensor data fusion.
For more details on the EC-funded project, please visit the official web-site of ProFusion as well.