Diagnostic and documentation system for ROP-images
In this project (which was supported by the German Research Foundation DFG) scientists of the Regensburg University Hospital account for as early as possible recognizing the danger of premature-infant-retinopathy (danger of ablation of the retina) to enable an early therapy of the disease. The study is joined by five hospitals and several medical practitioners in Bavaria. They are all connected over ISDN to the centre in Regensburg (clinic for ophthalmology, department for infant ophthalmology, strabismology and ophthalmogenetics).
To assist the medics in their tasks DiNO (Diagnosis System for Neonatal Ophtalmology and Strabismology) had been created. It is the aim of the project to ease the diagnosis and to aid creating a report about the diagnostic findings for premature-infant-retinopathy and in part automatize the diagnostic process.
A graphical user interface has been developed for administering the patients' data and for adjudgement of the images according to the requirements of the clinic for ophthalmology. The remotely recorded data are administered in a central database at the Regensburg centre.
The clue of the software is that the same image data set can be judged by several medics independently for training purposes.
The system has been proofing its field operability since 2002.